Here Are 10 Foods That Cause Acne
1. Fatty or fried foods
The first cause of acne breakouts is fatty or fried foods. Almost every Indonesian resident is very fond of fried foods. But saturated fats that contain fried foods and other fatty foods can trigger acne. This is because when saturated fat stored in the body begins to overdo it, the body will release through the pores of the skin. As you know oily skin is one of the causes of the appearance of acne.
2. Carbonated drinks
In addition to food, there are also drinks that can cause acne, one of which is soft drinks. Aside from being a dangerous drink for health, carbonated drinks can also increase blood sugar levels, the content of aspartame in soft drinks can also reduce pH levels, increase inflammation in the body so that it can cause acne. Not only soft drinks, sweet foods that contain excess sugar are also the cause of the appearance of acne on the face.
3. Dairy products
Dairy products are foods that cause further acne. Although it is useful for increasing the growth of bones and teeth, dairy products can also cause acne problems on your face. This is because milk products are high in hormones. When you take it, this makes the hormone converted to DHT (dihydrotestoteron). These substances can trigger acne on your face. As for some dairy products are liquid milk, milk cream, cheese, chocolate and others.
4. Caffeine
Caffeine is a substance that is useful for keeping a person awake. Caffeine is usually found in all types of soft drinks, coffee, tea, energy drinks and others. When you consume these drinks, caffeine will stimulate the adrenaline hormone to release stress hormones, so excessive stress is one of the triggers of acne.
5. Instant noodles
Instant noodles are one of the causes of acne, although even now, instant noodles are still popular with everyone. The amount of preservatives in instant noodles can cause health problems, this can also cause acne. Therefore you should reduce to avoid the following fast food.1. Fatty or fried foods
The first cause of acne breakouts is fatty or fried foods. Almost every Indonesian resident is very fond of fried foods. But saturated fats that contain fried foods and other fatty foods can trigger acne. This is because when saturated fat stored in the body begins to overdo it, the body will release through the pores of the skin. As you know oily skin is one of the causes of the appearance of acne.
6. Pork meat
The food that causes acne that you need to watch out for next is pork. According to some people, pork has a very good taste. Even so, you should also avoid this one food. Because pork contains high fat which can cause acne. But not only that is the danger of consuming pork. Pork meat can also cause humans to be attacked by tapeworms that are very dangerous.
7. Nuts
Although it is not the main cause, but you also have to keep in mind that consuming excess nuts can also cause acne. Nuts contain fat which can make oily skin excessively which can eventually cause acne. But eating nuts according to the intake needed has a good impact on the health of the body.
8. Creamy ice cream
Who doesn't like ice cream? Almost everyone certainly likes this one sweet food. But do you know ice cream is also a food that can cause acne. As with soft drinks, ice cream also has a high sugar content. This sugar content in ice cream is what triggers acne.
9. Fried chicken
For those of you who like fried chicken should start to limit eating this one food. Fried chicken contains bad fats that can supply oil and fat to the body. Excessive supply of fats and oils that are difficult to digest by the body forces the skin to form new skin cells. This is what causes acne. But not only that, the content of fat and bad cholesterol in these foods also makes fried chicken the food that causes heart disease.
10. Chocolate
As with ice cream, chocolate can also make someone who consumes it feel more relaxed and calm. But the high sugar content in chocolate can cause acne to appear on the face.